Half watt CFR resistor
SKU: 1HwCr-1
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₹0.70 - ₹0.70
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Wattage: "1/2 watt" indicates the power rating of the resistors. It means that each resistor in the assortment can handle up to 1/2 watt (0.5 watts) of power without overheating or getting damaged.

CFR: CFR stands for "Carbon Film Resistor." Carbon film resistors are one of the most common types of resistors used in electronic circuits. They are made by depositing a thin layer of carbon film onto a ceramic core.

5%: The "5%" represents the tolerance of the resistors. In this case, it means that the resistors have a tolerance of 5%. Tolerance refers to the acceptable variation in resistance value from the specified or labelled resistance value. A 5% tolerance indicates that the actual resistance of each resistor can vary by +/- 5% from its stated value. For example, if the labelled resistance is 100 ohms with a 5% tolerance, the actual resistance of that particular resistor can be anywhere between 95 ohms and 105 ohms.

Resistor values

1 100 3.9k 150k
2.2 120 4.7k 180k
4.7 150 5.6k 220k
5.6 180 6.8k 330k
8.2 220 8.2k 470k
10 270 10k 560k
15 330 15k 680k
22 390 22k 1meg
27 470 33k 1.5meg
33 560 39k 2.2meg
39 680 47k 3.3meg
47 820 56k 4.7meg
56 1k 68k 5.6meg
68 1.5k 82k 10meg
75 2.2k 100k  
82 3.3k 120k  


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